Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Reception.

Reception completes children's education in Early Years and builds upon the key essential learning and experiences children developed in Nursery. We aim to provide all children with a happy start with a rich and stimulating learning environment.  Achievements are fully celebrated as we aim to raise self-esteem of all children, whatever their interests and abilities.

In Reception together we discover, explore, laugh, get messy and have lots of fun.  We encourage independence and develop a willingness to 'have a go' in all our children.

We are very keen to work closely with all our parents to ensure that our children reach their full potential.  Children enjoy sharing new learning with their families and this helps them with understanding new concepts and information. We share the 50 things to do before you are 5 from Kirklees with families. 

50 Things to Do Before You're Five in Kirklees


Information for Parents

During your child’s time in Early Years there will be a big focus on learning through indoor and outdoor play. Children learn best when they are active, engaged and exploring.

You can help your child at home by:

  • Helping them to learn how to dress themselves.
  • Helping them to learn how to feed themselves using cutlery.
  • Encouraging them to try a range of different foods.
  • Sharing stories and discussing the events and pictures.
  • Independent toileting and handwashing.
  • Reminding them to bring their book bag with them every day.
  • Reading their reading book with them each day.
  • Asking your child to write a list before going shopping.
  • Looking at letters and numbers in the environment e.g. door numbers, packaging and on the TV
  • Regular counting e.g. counting the cutlery on the table, how many pieces of fruit in the basket, counting steps etc.
  • Completing the weekly Dojo activities to help embed their learning.


In Reception we have PE every Monday. Please make sure that you child has a full PE kit in school on these days. This includes a white t-shirt, black jogging bottoms and black pumps. This stays in school and will be sent home at the end of every half term.

Water Bottles

Your child is provided with a FREE water bottle. It is their responsibility to take it home and we expect parents to clean the bottle and provide fresh water every day.


Children will take part in daily phonics sessions where they are taught to recognise grapheme phoneme correspondences (GPCs) to help them read. We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sound Scheme. Help for parents is available via the link

Home Reading

It is vital that book bags are brought to and from school every day.  We ask that you read with your child for ten to fifteen minutes each evening. Books are changed weekly.

Children are encouraged to borrow a Library book from the EYFS Library each week and we ask parents to share this story with their child at home.

Children are encouraged to take part in the home reading challenge. Every time you record a story that your child has read in their school reading record this will earn them 1 point towards their reading badges. Reading badges are earnt for 50, 75 and 100 reads!

School visits, trips and special events

During the year we will have special visitors in school and will take the children to a education trip to support their learning in class. We know that children learn best through play and memorable experiences that they can draw on. We encourage you to share any special trips or events that you take part in through your class Dojo page. We learn about all different religions and celebrations and help the children to learn to respect all opinions and beliefs.

Outdoor Learning

To ensure we have a broad and balanced curriculum the children take part in weekly class outdoor learning sessions. These will help to develop their understanding of the world and give them the opportunity to explore their local environment. Children will go outside in all weathers, so it is important that they have appropriate clothing to support their learning. They will need a suitable waterproof coat with a hood, hat, gloves, scarf and wellies. In the summer children must come to school already wearing sun cream. Children will also have the opportunity to access the woodland playground during our free flow provision time.




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