
We ensure that children are taught about safeguarding and how it keeps them safe. The school's curriculum includes opportunities to explicitly teach the children about safeguarding. Areas of the curriculum with particularly strong opportunities for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse include PSHE, Relationships Education and Sex Education and the Computing curriculum. Relevant issues are also addressed should they become apparent for particular children or groups of children. We also recognise that 'a one size fits all' approach is not appropriate for all children, and a more personalised or contextualised approach for more vulnerable children, victims of abuse and some SEND children may be needed.
Safeguarding in the Curriculum
Safeguarding is embedded deeply within every aspect of the Curiculum and the child's school jouney. The table below shows the various approaches to covering key elements of the school's safeguarding material, including through methods such as the PSHE Curriculum (PC), Computing Curriculum (CC), Assemblies/ Class Assemblies (AC), through First Aid (FA) and with support from External Agencies (EA):
Nursery |
- What’s safe to go in my body (PC)
- Safety indoors and outdoors (PC)
- People who help to keep me safe (PC)
Reception |
- What’s safe to go in my body (PC)
- Keeping myself safe-what’s safe to go into my body (PC)
- Safe indoors and outdoors (PC)
- Listening to my feelings (PC)
- Keeping safe online (PC)
- People who help keep me safe (PC)
Year 1 |
- E- safety (CC)
- Healthy Me (PC)
- Super sleep (PC)
- Who can help? (PC)
- It’s not fair! (PC)
- Good or bad touch? (PC)
- PANTS lesson on NSPCC (AC)
Year 2 |
- E- safety (CC)
- How safe would you feel? (PC)
- Fun or not? (PC)
- Should I tell? (PC)
- My body, your body! (PC)
- Respecting privacy (PC)
- PANTS lesson NSPCC
- Street Feet training (EA)
Year 3 |
- E- safety (CC)
- Safe or unsafe (PC)
- Alcohol and cigarettes: the facts (PC)
- The risk robot (PC)
- Super searcher (PC)
- None of your business (PC)
- Raisin challenge (PC)
- Help or harm (PC)
- First aid: Emergencies and calling for help (FA)
Year 4 |
- E- safety (CC)
- Danger, risk or hazard? (PC)
- Picture wise (PC)
- How dare you! (PC)
- Medicines; check the label (PC)
- Know the norms (PC)
- Keeping ourselves safe (PC)
- First aid: Bites and stings (FA)
- Allergies (FA)
Year 5 |
- E- safety (CC)
- Bikeability (EA)
- Bobby Performance- county lines drug trafficking, knife crime and domestic violence. (EA)
- Swimming Safety (EA)
- Safety Rangers at the fire station (EA)
- Thinking about habits (PC)
- Play, like, share (PC)
- Drugs: true or false? (PC)
- Smoking (PC)
- Would you risk it? (PC)
- How are they feeling? (PC)
- Taking notice of our feelings (PC)
- Changing bodies and feelings (PC)
- Growing up and changing bodies (PC)
- Help! I’m a teenager, get me out of here (PC)
- It could happen to anyone! (PC)
- Stop, start, stereotypes (PC)
- First aid: Bleeding Burns and scalds (FA)
Year 6 |
- E- safety (CC)
- Understanding and Responding to Youth Criminality - WYP Crime Prevention Officer (EA)
- Think before you click! (PC)
- To share or not to share (PC)
- What sort of a drug is…? (PC)
- Drugs: It’s the law (PC)
- Alcohol: what is normal? (PC)
- Helpful or unhelpful: managing change (PC)
- Media manipulation (PC)
- Pressure online (PC)
- Is this normal? (PC)
- How are babies born? (PC)
- Covid-19 and diseases (PC)
- First aid: Basic life support (FA)
- Head injuries (FA)
Other |
Materials Shared in Classes
- Water safety - Canal and River Trust (AC)
- Road Safety (AC)
- Safety near Train lines (AC)
Whole School Assembly Themes
- Internet Safety (AC)
- Awareness raising re DSL role (AC)
- Anti-Bullying Week (AC)
- Safer Internet Day (AC)
- Sun Awareness (AC)
- Water Safety (AC)
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