

In line with the National Curriculum, our overall intent is for our pupils to:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice with increasing complex problems over time.
  • Develop conceptual understanding and ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Reason mathematically; follow a line of enquiry, conjecture relationships and generalisations.
  • Develop an argument, justification and proof by using mathematical language.
  • Problem solve by applying knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. Breaking down problems into simpler steps and persevering in answering.


We provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment that takes account of different learning styles and uses appropriate resources to maximise teaching and learning. 

We follow the mastery approach which means pupils acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.  To achieve mastery, children acquire a solid enough understanding of the maths that has been taught to enable them to move on to more advanced material. Mastery involves fluency, variation, representation and structure, and mathematical thinking.  We build fluency and automaticity before applying it in a variety of situations, using a range of question styles, to ensure our children can confidently apply their knowledge in different situations.

We give pupils the best chance of mastering maths by varying our teaching strategies throughout school.  Our teaching strategies vary throughout school.  In EYFS to Yr3, there is a strong focus on concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) methods, with years 4-6 using these methods as required to ensure children’s understanding.

We provide constant revision of times tables from Y2 onwards to ensure our children are fluent for the Times Table Check in Y4.  This is through lesson starters, regular revisiting and the Times Table Rockstars programme.


As a result, all our children are engaged and challenged by lessons and are able to independently apply their knowledge to a range of increasingly complex problems, with increasing confidence and accuracy.  They show termly progress through tests and teacher assessments. 

Our KS1 results are broadly in line with National expectations and our KS2 results are above National expectations.

EYFS Maths

  • Children are given the opportunity to explore number and shape, space and measure through weekly teaching inputs. (3 x Nursery, 4 x Reception).
  • Concrete resources are always available to help children develop mathematical concepts.
  • Children are encouraged to learn through play and specific activities are developed to encourage children to practise taught skills independently.
  • Children regularly sing number songs and rhymes and are encouraged to recite numbers during the daily routine.
  • Action songs are used to help children learn mathematical language such as shapes names and days of the week.
  • Children revisit key concepts across the year so that they are secure with them and have the opportunity to review them in a range of ways.
  • Lessons are practical and children are given time to practise modelled skills within the input.
  • Vocabulary is explicitly modelled by adults and used throughout the day. Vocabulary posters/information is available to children following it being explicitly taught so that it is.

Calculation Policy

Please have a look at the attached Calculation Policy which shows the methods of calculation in each year group. 



Times tables are the building blocks of maths.  Once you know the basics, maths is much easier as answers can be worked out more quickly.  That is why it is crucial for your child to keep practising their skills.  Every child has a login for TTRS and knows how to use it.  Please encourage your child to have a go at home as well – can you keep up with them? 

We will be using pens to celebrate children learning specific times tables.  Which one will your child get first?


Maths Websites

There are many maths resources available online.  Below are some website links you could use with your children:

Practise skills and speed with times tables.


A huge repository of puzzles and illusions. They also have this 'Daily 30 seconds' page that is updated daily with some good mental warmups. BrainBashers - Daily 30 Seconds


You can choose which year group (Reception to Y6) and skill to practise.


Choose your year group (Reception for Y6) and the topic.


Quickfire questions using various maths skills.



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Reception learnt about sharing and halving.  The children created their own pizza bases on Wednesday using a paper plate and then added toppings using natural materials such as leaves for herbs and dandelions for cheese!  The children then chose a special guest to join them at the pizza party and they had to share their pizza with their guest. They had to chop their pizza in half creating two equal parts!

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2C and 4B practising their times tables on Number Day 2021.


Pupils’ thoughts

“I found the work was easy at the start of September, so I thought Y5 was going to be easy. I like the work now because it challenges me, sometimes there are 4 or 5 step problems.”

“We are learning new things and we do fluency, apply and then challenge; we don’t just work out of textbooks.”

“My favourite thing is long division.  It was challenging to learn the method as it takes time, but the more you practise, the better you get.”

“The teacher is really good at explaining a useful method to use.  For percentages, I used to use a really long method and it took me ages to work out the answer, but the teacher showed us a really easy way to do it, so now I’m really quick!”

“It doesn’t matter what level you are working at; everybody gets challenged.”


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